Just a little blog on the side, detailing the bits of flavor I've (hopefully!) added to life recently....
WARNING: Readers may become subject to heavy rambling, crazy messes of projects, gushing about my amazing boyfriend of almost 3 years and numerous friends and family, etc.
Oh, the holidays. Such cheer. Such fun. Such craziness!
Since I started my blog in January of 2012, I didn't want to leave out any of the fun things from 2011! So this is just a little recap of some family, crafts, and fun.
Thanksgiving 2011 Boy, what a busy time! I spent Thanksgiving break in a couple different places. Firstly, I was lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving Day with my family at my Great Grandparent's house in Beaumont. Yes, Great Grandparents. They're still alive and kickin! Here's a couple shots I snapped on my newly acquired Iphone 4s (LOVE, by the way).....
We took Joshua's dogs to get a Redbox with us
His brothers being goofy
Ivan, their cat, enjoying the ride
Me for Thanksgiving Lunch
My little bro Nick, being a dork
My good ole Dad
My sis and her husband
Me and Marci
Me, Nick, and Adam
Adam with Bear
My awesome Great Grandad
The youngest sibling, Marshall
My beautiful Mother
Nickolas passed out on the couch after food
I realize that I don't have a pic of John Robert from that day, the last of the 4 brothers. So just for good measure:
We pick on him for having Bieber hair....
Next, it was off to Austin, Tx (technically Hutto) for our close friends' wedding. I was in charge of setting up the reception for them, and Joshua helped me out so incredibly much. Here he is passed out from all the work:
Ok so he was faking. Maybe. But man, what a cutie! And here's a pic of us fromt that night as well:
So that was Thanksgiving, all in all. It's obvious that I have a lot of great things to be thankful for. And just for fun, check out this video of my Great Grandma playing the accordion when we visited!
Christmas 2011 It should be noted that my family, for the most part, does not partake in Christmas. It's a long story that I don't care to explain on this already long page, so if you have questions shoot me an email. Unfortunately, although we did spend Christmas in Beaumont again, I didn't snap any pictures or cool videos for reference. I did, however, have my own little tree this year, and decided to share the makings of that with you.
Firstly, I started off with this cute little thing:
It had to have some decorations though, and so, naturally, I was off to Hobby Lobby. I got lucky enough to stumble across a 20 pack of iridescent little (which made them perfect for my little tree) ornaments, half off, as well as some awesomely glittery and brightly colored curling ribbon that came with four different vibrant colors. I also came across a star for the tree topper on a later trip that matches the ribbon to the dot. Perfect! I decided to just add ribbon down the length of the tree and let it curl by itself.
I then took some leftover ribbon, and after about thirty minutes of cutting and stuffing it into those ornaments, had perfectly matching ornaments to go on the tree amidst the ribbon.
A lot of the ornaments actually ended up a lot more stuffed than the one in the left hand picture. After adding my tree topper and turning on the lights, I had a great little tree...voila!
As for my best gift? Well, like I mentioned before, my family doesn't really do that stuff. My boyfriend and I, however, do partake. And so, hands down, his gift to me takes the prize. What is it? A hand-built, hand-painted desk for my new apartment!!!! I told you he was amazing.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how my Holidays 2011 went.